
Anxiety, Panic Attack Relief & Anti Stress Supplement, Best (Organic – Vegan)

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Abundant Benefits to Relief Symptoms :

  • Helps Relief Feeling nervous, restless or tense.
  • Helps Relief; Sense of impending danger, panic or doom.
  • Helps Relief; Symptoms of Panic attacks:
    Increased Heart Rate
    , Breathing Rapidly (Hyper-Ventilation), Sweating, Trembling.
  • Helps Relief; Feeling weak or tired.
  • Helps Relief; Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry.
  • Helps Relief; Trouble sleeping.
  • Helps Relief; Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems.
  • Helps Relief; Difficulty controlling worry.
  • Helps Relief; The urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety.

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eBook Guide: How to use Natural Herbal Supplement with Rife frequencies, Binaural and Healing Chakras
All 7 Chakras Healing, Unblock and Balance | Powerful Solfeggio Meditation

Each bottle made for you with Passion and Love
Our formula is third party independently tested for heavy metals, impurities, made in the USA, GMP certified, and produced in an FDA registered facility.
1% of the supplements on the market can match our world class standards.
Get the Best Highly Absorption Supplement


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– You will get :
– ((All 7 Chakras Healing, Unblock and Balance | Powerful Solfeggio Meditation)).
– Frequencies Length: 60 min. of Rife Bioresonace Frequencies in sequence patterns.
– eBook: Manual instruction of how to use Supplement with Rife BioResonance Frequencies and Healing Chakras.
– Pages: 28 pages including value of Rife BioResonance Frequencies, Importance of Chakras, Food and Supplement Energy, Vibrations, How to Practice Meditation, Role of Rife Frequency in Cancer and Diseases.
– Immediate Delivery via email: No shipping Cost.

Ingredients & Benefits
  • ●● Valarian Root :
  • Reduces stress, enhances sleep, and improved mood.
  • Enhances positive mood and sleep via regulated gamma‐aminobutyric acid receptor A (GABAA) activity (receptor which controls sleep).
  • ●● Griffonia Seed Ext -5-HTP :
  • Supports healthy sleep patterns, mood, reduced anxiety, and supports the gut brain axis.
  • Supports healthy sleep patterns via enhanced circadian rhythm and increased natural melatonin production.
  • Supports gut brain axis via natural increased production of serotonin (neurotransmitter) in gut neurons.
  • ●● Magnolia :
  • Supports antioxidant function, positive mood, and aids a neuro protective agent.
  • Supports relaxed shorten sleep latency and regulated gamma‐aminobutyric acid receptor A (GABAA) activity (receptor which controls sleep).
  • ●● Bacopa :
  • Supports cognitive function, memory, alertness, and aids as an anti-stress agent.
  • May combat inflammatory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, dropsy, and rheumatism.
  • Bacopa has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects on macrophages (immune cells) and inhibits the release of IL-6 and TNF-α (inflammatory markers) from monocytes (immune cells).
  • Promising candidate for the development of novel therapeutics that target neuro inflammation and have the potential for treating a wide range of CNS disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and schizophrenia.
  • ●● Ashwagandha :
  • Supports cardiovascular, hormonal, immune, healthy weight loss, mood, and optimized sleep.
  • Reduces stress hormone cortisol resulting in improved body composition, sex hormone profile, and mood.
  • Improves exercise performance via increased V02 max, muscular endurance, muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth), and decreased muscular fatigue.
  • Improves quality of sleep by enhancing sleep recovery, reducing plasma cortisol concentrations, and enhancing REM sleep cycles.
  • Supports hormonal and immune health via reduced production of inflammatory molecules (reactive oxygen species) and simultaneous increases in sex hormones.
  • ●● L-Theanine :
  • Unique non-protein amino acid found in green tea (Camellia sinensis).
  • Supports mood, mental clarity, and cognitive health, memory, and is a natural anti-depressant/neuro protective agent.
  • Aids as an antidepressant due to partial antagonism for the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor manifesting its cognitive optimizing effects.
  • Reduces the neuro psychiatric side effects of chronic adolescent THC exposure.
  • ●● Skullcap :
  • Supports calming mood and relaxation.
  • ●● GABA :
  • Supports relaxation, positive mood, increased memory, reduced anxiety, blood sugar regulation, and increased growth hormone production.
  • ●● St. John’s Wort :
  • Combats depression and supports positive mood.
  • ●● Munica Pruriens :
  • Supports blood sugar regulation, sexual enhancement, aids an anti-inflammatory agent, combats neuro-degenerative disease, and supports antimicrobial activity.
  • Supports anti-aging, rheumatoid, arthritis, diabetes, male infertility, and nervous disorders.
  • Supports male sexual health via increased sperm motility and increased free testosterone.
  • Combats neuro-degenerative disease via stimulation of dopaminergic neurons.
  • Supports blood sugar health via reduced blood glucose levels, improved insulin transport, and lowered H1AC levels.
  • ●● Hawthorn Berry :
  • Supports cardiovascular health and combats metabolic syndrome.
  • Supports cardiovascular health via reduced atherosclerotic lesion areas, reduced cholesterol synthesis (acyl-coA-cholesterol acyltransferase enzyme), reduced very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), and inhibited platelet aggregation.
  • ●● Passion Flower :
  • Reduces stress, enhances sleep, and improved mood.
  • Enhances positive mood and sleep via regulated gamma‐aminobutyric acid receptor A (GABAA) activity (receptor which controls sleep).
  • ●● Lemon Balm :
  • Supports healthy sleep, relaxation, reduced anxiety, and antioxidant support.
  • Supports antioxidant function via ability to scavenge free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, increased glutathione production (master antioxidant) combat DNA damage.
  • Supports relaxed sleep via enhanced REM cycles reduced stress at bed time.
  • ●● Chamomile :
  • Supports healthy sleep, relaxation, reduced anxiety, and antioxidant support.
  • Supports antioxidant function due to high levels of quercetin (flavonoid antioxidant).
  • Supports sleep via increases in parasympathetic (relaxation mode) activity, increased benzodiazepine-like hypnotic activity (sleep inducer), and attachment to GABA receptors.
  • ●● Lutein :
  • Carotenoid that supports vision health, immune health, cardiovascular health, and combats diabetic retinopathy.
  • Supports increased lutein concentration in the macula and exhibits various features such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and blue light-filtering effects.
  • Supports visual health via increased lutein concentration in the macular layer of retina, reduced susceptibility to age related macular disease, reduced prevalence of cataracts, and improved plasma level of lutein and retinal macular pigment level.
  • ●● Rhodiola :
  • Helps to reduce anxiety and ease the effects of stress through the presence of antioxidants.
  • Helps slow the signs of aging.
  • Helps improves memory function.
  • ●● Zinc :
  • Supports immune function, skin health, cognitive function, and vision.
  • Supports stimulation of the innate and adaptive immune system.
  • Supports the activation of lymphocytes and activation of innate and T cell-mediated immunity.
  • Supports cognitive function by modulation of neuronal signaling in areas of the brain associated with memory and learning.
  • ●● Magnesium :
  • Supports optimal nerve function, muscle contractions, cardiovascular, bone health, and decreased anxiety.
  • Supports biological reactions such as ATP-fueledreactions and pancreatic insulin secretion.
  • Supports reduction systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, triglycerides, and healthy HDL levels.
  • Reduces peripheral cortisol levels in the CNS and supports relaxation and decreased anxiety.
  • ●● Potassium :
  • Supports reduced blood pressure in hypertensive patients and improves hydration in individuals with low potassium levels.
  • ●● Biotin :
  • Supports conversion of food into cellular energy, hair health, skin health, and cognitive function.
  • Enhances glucose breakdown into skeletal muscle tissue.
  • ●● Vitamin B3 (niacin) :
  • Major B vitamin that supports cardiovascular health by inhibiting hepatic (liver) triglyceride synthesis, reducing very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) secretion, and increasing HDL plasma concentrations.
  • Reduces conversion of VLDL into LDL proteins and serum lipoprotein concentrations in plasma (blood).
  • Vital for regulation of gene expression, cell cycle progression, and DNA repair, and cell death.
  • Supports healthy inflammatory response via antioxidant and anti-apoptotic (prevention of cell death) properties.
  • Prevents pathologies (diseases) such as Pellagra and reduces the prevalence of nervous anorexia, cancer, and Crohn’s disease.
  • ●● Vitamin B6 :
  • Serves as a co-factor in more than 150 enzymatic reactions associated in blood sugar regulation, immunity, cardiovascular function, neuronal health, metabolic, and digestive health.
  • Reduces plasma glucose (blood sugar levels) via by inhibiting the activity of small-intestinal α-glucosidases (enzymes associated with glucose metabolism).
  • Functions as an antioxidant by counteracting the formation of reactive oxygen species (inflammatory markers) and advanced glycation end-products.
  • May support blood sugar regulation in women with gestational diabetes.
  • Co-factor for enzymes involved in DNA metabolism.
  • ●● Vitamin B5 :
  • Supports energy production, cell growth, cell repair, cognitive function, increased hippocampal volume (memory), and optimized bioenergetics (burning of carbohydrates, fat, and protein).
  • ●● Vitamin B1 (thiamine) :
  • Supports aerobic energy metabolism (oxidative phosphorylation), cell growth, optimal neuronal conduction (nerve impulses), and cardiovascular health.
  • Supports cardiovascular function and aids as a neuroprotective agent in individuals with vitamin B-1 deficiencies.
  • ●● Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) :
  • Supports conversion and activation of other B vitamins, red blood cell production and serves as a co-factor for both glucose and fat metabolism (energy production).
  • ●● Calcium Carbonate :
  • Regulates processes of bone resorption, mineralization, and fracture repair.
  • Increases the effect of physical exercise on bone mineral acquisition in the period preceding puberty.
  • Prevents the development of pre-eclampsia.

Proper Use of This Supplement:

Suggested Use : As a dietary supplement take two (2) veggie capsules twice a day. For best results, take 20-30 minutes before a meal with an 8 oz glass of water, or as directed by your health care professional.


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